Rabu, 14 September 2011

a real come back :)

perhaps, this gonna be my first entry for my new personal blog.. i hope it not too little too late for me to restart writing. i left these cherries because i think facebooking is rather attractive than blogging. All hails to the blog, since i figure something is so wrong with the latest layout from facebook. I just hate the shapes and arrangements. It is rather annoying nowadays. Hence, I m into call it an end. i want to blog, write any possible thing that pop out of my head. Here are the issues for the very first entry of mine:
1. My current nickname is FIDI.. I love the word FIDI, not because of Vidi Aldiano, but the idea of FIDI itself. Full of good things and it was given by my father which means it is a beautiful butterfly wings while developing beautifully :p
2. I am a part time teacher and full time student. Mom, I just can't wait to end my status as UMM student. I got a lot of things to be done. 
3. I'm trying to make my new driver's license because my old driver's license had expired nearly a year. And it did not make me comfortable in driving without having license. I'm sorry officer :)
4. I m currently listening to Justin Beiber while writing this. I don't know why is he being so inspirational to me. maybe because of his popularity :p

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